Creating Structured Environments
Setting up clearly defined areas, supporting transitions & reducing anxiety.
Creating Structured Environments is aimed at anyone working with pupils with autism. The strategies discussed can be applied to a number of settings including early years, primary, secondary and post 16 education. The strategies covered could also be applied to non-educational settings such as social care settings.
The course will look at the physical environment, considering how best to set up spaces so they are autism friendly. We will discuss sensory implications and adaptations. The course will look at practical changes that can be made such as setting out clearly defined areas for certain tasks and using systems such as workstations to promote learning and independence.

The second part of the course will look at using visuals within the classroom to provide further structure to the day. This will include using visual timetables to show pupils what is happening throughout the day and support transitions around the room or wider school and community. We will also discuss how to make learning tasks visually clear.
The course will be run face to face at Newfield which gives us the opportunity to show you real life examples and resources. There will be opportunities for questions and group discussions.
This course is run over a half day (2 and a half hours) and costs £35 per delegate. Refreshments will be provided.
If you would like more details about training for your setting please contact us to discuss your requirements.