Colourful Semantics

This course in an introduction to colourful semantics. It looks at ways to support teaching and learning in relation to communication, language & literacy using colour coding.

Colourful Semantics works using visual supports through colour coding to help pupils with autism to develop language, communication and literacy skills. This helps children to understand how the meanings of words are linked in sentences which helps them to form their own structured sentences and understand grammar.

It also helps develop pupils understanding of questions. Visual supports are used so this approach can be used with pupils who are both verbal and non-verbal. The approach can be differentiated to a range of learning abilities and be catered to individual needs so that personal targets can be worked on. This course will be beneficial to those working with children who have autism, speech and language difficulties linked to word finding, word order or expressive and receptive language difficulties. It may also be useful for other pupils such as those with EAL.

The course aims to help develop participants confidence to be able to implement a range of colourful semantic activities into their teaching and learning activities to meet individual pupils needs. There are lots of applications of the approach such as; Sentence building in response to a ‘wh’ questions, introducing adjectives and adverbs, story retelling, reading comprehension, following instructions and expanding vocabulary.

Pupil working with cards

We will run this course face to face either at Newfield or in your own settings so that you can see modelling and practical demonstrations alongside resources examples. There will be opportunities for group discussions and opportunities to ask questions.

This course is run over a half day (2 hours).

If you would like more details about training for your setting please contact us to discuss your requirements.

If you wish to book a course or arrange whole setting training

Please contact us

We look forward to working with you.

Newfield School
Old Bank Lane

01254 588 600

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