Individual Pupil Support
Our Individual Pupil Support Package is really tailored around the needs of the individual and the staff who work with them.
An experienced teacher from Newfield will come to your setting to complete an initial observation to get to know the child and their needs and talk to the staff around some of the challenges they are facing.
From there advice, resources and action plans can be created to help ensure the child’s individual needs are being met. Follow up conversations and suggested resources will also be available, or practical hands-on sessions working alongside staff and pupils. This will be discussed with the individual schools or settings to make sure we create a bespoke package.
The cost of the packages are priced at £150 for a half day or £250 for a full day. These prices are based on settings within the Blackburn with Darwen area. These prices will be slightly more for anyone outside of the area due to increased travel time and costs.

We can also offer staff from your setting to come in to observe in classrooms at Newfield to see the real-life applications of good autism practice so they can take back ideas to implement in their own practice. Observations can have specific focus and we will ensure you have plenty of opportunities to see approaches used in relation to that focus (i.e., using visual communication, managing sensory needs in class, promoting independence skills etc). After the observation staff will have a lunch meeting to discuss the observed practice and ask any further questions. Lunch will be provided. These observations will be done in the morning with lunch to follow and cost £150.