Physical Development

Many of our children have physical disabilities or difficulties. These children at Newfield are challenged and supported to maintain and develop their physical skills.

Physical Education & sport at Newfield School

At Newfield School we want all our pupils to be as healthy and independent as they can be. Physical development and sport have been embedded and developed throughout our curriculum ensuring all learners develop resilience and physical literacy.

Developing those essential Fundamental Movement Skills is at the centre of our physical education across all pathways which once development provides opportunities to participate and achieve in sports. Children on our semi-formal pathway follow a programme of study in dance and gymnastics, multi-skills, games (striking, net and wall, fielding), outdoor adventure, circuit training and athletics.

Alongside our programme of study pupils may also have personalised MOVE, sensory circuits and Hydrotherapy programmes led by specialists in our school. We liaise closely with highly skilled physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists and are currently a ‘Gold accredited MOVE school’ and have 3 MOVE Leaders supporting over 70 pupils on the MOVE Programme.



  • Our curriculum is designed so our students develop physical literacy. This will provide a solid foundation which will allow and encourage participation and engagement of sport throughout their lives.
  • Our curriculum is fun, engaging, accessible and appropriately challenging for all pupils.
  • To experience a range of different sport and movement skills, use a range of equipment and learn how to play different sports.


  • Targeted learning plans are developed for specific children and groups.
  • An engaging and challenging scheme of work across all aspects of Physical Education.
  • Swimming and hydrotherapy sessions
  • Move programmes embedded throughout the daily routine and in MOVE groups.
  • Use a key skills document across all aspects of pe and sports to ensure every child is challenged and engaged.
  • Engage in sports with other schools through the schools sports partnership and GLD groups.
  • To work closely with physiotherapists, Sensory integration specialist, and external coaches.


  • Children are engaging in more physical activity throughout their daily routine, including more active break times, lunch sports clubs and PE sessions.
  • Children have personalised targets and programmes/physical sessions planned to develop their individual needs- MATP, MOVE, FUNDAMENTALS AND PE key skills.
  • Children have more opportunities to be active leading to feeling more regulated and engaged in other learning.

All children have daily opportunities to use standing frames, walkers, specialist seating and lying equipment.

Staff follow individual therapy programmes and movement opportunities are created via our curriculum.

sitting balance practise

MOVE - Movement Opportunities Via Education

Newfield School is a MOVE accredited school.

The MOVE therapy programme provides a framework to support the functional development of independent mobility and physical skills to the best of their ability. MOVE is a practical mobility programme based on the philosophy that movement is the foundation for learning. It uses a collaborative approach with families, carers, education and therapy staff working together to set purposeful, individualised targets for each child.

MOVE is appropriate for all ages and abilities to increase independent mobility, develop communication skills and improve health.

At Newfield School, we have 3 MOVE Leaders supporting over 70 pupils on the MOVE Programme, and many of our teachers are trained as Senior MOVE practitioners. The MOVE programme is delivered throughout the day and regular opportunities are created throughout the child’s normal daily routine for increased practice and progression of skills required to reach aspirational goals.

Parents are invited into MOVE sessions to work alongside their child and learn ways to support their child at home.

MOVE targets are discussed and set with parents during Annual Reviews and Parent Consultation meetings. Progress is recorded through the Evidence for Learning App.

You can view our MOVE Policy here on the website.

In November 2020 we were delighted to acheive the Gold level of the MOVE Quality Mark - the report is available here

MOVER of the week

Pupils achievements are celebrated during our weekly assemblies.

A ‘MOVER’ of the week certificate is awarded for both the primary and secondary department.

2 pupils are rewarded and we ask classes to celebrate this in their class assemblies. The MOVER of the week display board is updated and a school email is circulated.

MOVER of the week is a great way to celebrate the good work and fun we have with MOVE in school; and the displays and announcements are a good reminder and motivator for staff and pupils to work on their physical goals.

Pupils take home their certificate and we broadcast their acheivement on our website blog.

mover of the week

Hydrotherapy Pool

Many of our children access the hydrotherapy pool in school which is heated to 35 degrees.

We have hoisting and changing facilities to enter and exit the water safely.

Our 4D multi sensory lights and music enables pupils to make progress and gain confidence in the water.

  • During the lesson pupils will work on learning to swim by working towards levels 1 to 5 which teaches
  • Floatation on front and back.
  • Swimming on front and back.
  • Rotation.
  • Enjoyment in the water.
  • Communication, ball skill and numeracy skills.

We will also work on MOVE targets that the children have by walking forward, backwards side steps and sitting in the water.

Making use of individual targets, we encourage students to be as independent as possible with dressing before and after sessions.


Assessment of physical development is co-ordinated currently by Physiotherapist, Occupational Therapists, MOVE Leaders and class teachers. A range of assessment tools are used to capture, record and ensure all children are making progress. These include: Gross Motor Function, The Chailey Scale, MOVE and children’s’ EHCP outcomes, goals and targets.

A new assessment tool is being piloted across the group of Special Schools involved which will allow schools to collate evidence and data within individual schools around children’s physical development.

Additional extra-curricular activities … make a strong contribution to pupils’ social, emotional and physical development. Ofsted,2016

Newfield School
Old Bank Lane

01254 588 600

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Newfield School is committed to safeguarding and protecting the welfare of children and vulnerable adults as its number one priority.

Full copies of Policies and Procedures related to all aspects of Safeguarding, and the Complaints Policy, are available on request from Rachel Kay, Head Teacher and Designated Senior Lead for Safeguarding and Child Protection.

Equality Duty

Newfield School complies with the general and specific duties of the Equality Act (2010). In accordance with the duty we publish information that demonstrates that we have due regard to the need to;

  • Eliminate unlawful discrimination
  • Advance equality of opportunity
  • Foster good relations

These specific duties have been considered in relation to all our policies and procedures in school. Our objectives will be reported on and published as part of the Governance public documents available for inspection under the Freedom of Information Regulations and Data Protection duties and in the school newsletter to parents.

Our Equality Objectives are set, reviewed and published annually in our School Development Plan.

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