Emotional Regulation & Support

Our learners all have different emotional support needs and we tailor our approaches to each individual to ensure that they learn to self-regulate in order to be happy and ready to learn.

Newfield Principles of Positive Behaviour Support – Regulate to Educate

A whole school approach is needed to develop appropriate behaviours to support life-long learning, independence and full inclusion in society for all our learners.

This works at 3 levels to ensure the safety of the community and help our students learn to manage and regulate their own behaviours:

regulate to educate
School values and practice

This involves everyone in school
  • Unconditional positive regard for all students 
  • All staff follow Emotional Regulation and Support Policy and Physical Care and Support Policy
  • Shared values and understanding of seeing behaviour as a form of communication and a learning need Seeking to support students to acquire appropriate level of control vs adults controlling behaviours (intrinsic vs extrinsic)
  • Common approach to supporting pupils who become dysregulated based on research- based practice in relation to the neuro-sequential model
  • Staff agree and follow plans to support pupils who experience different levels of dysregulation
  • All staff trained to understand how to support and respond to pupils reflecting their cognitive and emotional age: a stage and state approach
  • Training for physical intervention when needed within this context and not bolted on
  • Professional responsibility to manage own behaviours and response to challenging students
Classroom practice supporting above via continuity of message and approach Staff implement activities across the day to support optimal arousal levels for maximum engagement; sensory lifestyle for all pupils at 3 levels:
  • Physiological
  • Emotional
  • Cognitive

  • Staff teams spend time considering function of behaviours which are observed
  • Ensuring environment supports learning
  • Understanding of stage and state of pupil
  • Consistency and routines – support to manage change in safe way
  • Applying best interest principle at all times in relation to how to address unhelpful behaviours
  • Professional responsibility to manage own behaviours and response to challenging students
Individual Interventions and Support

Enhanced support where whole class approach is not sufficient
  • Unpicking factors leading to unhelpful responses
    Which part of the brain is the behaviour coming from – this determines appropriate response
  • Identifying more appropriate alternatives
  • Individual sensory based lifestyle approach across the day
  • Creating focused support plans to effect change – addressing stages of a crisis and conflict spiral
  • Teaching appropriate responses when student is calm
  • Applying best interest principle at all times in relation to how to address unhelpful behaviours
  • Professional responsibility to manage own behaviours and response to challenging students

Our aims in supporting emotional regulation are:

  • More time spent on learning instead of on ‘behavior management’
  • A common language for for communication, problem solving, and emotional understanding
  • Increased student self-awareness and social and emotional skills
  • Systems for building regulation strategies into day-to-day routines
  • Greater inclusion for learners with social, emotional, or behavioral differences into all activities

The Regulation Support Team

The Regulation Support Team is an experienced group of staff who are committed to promoting positive behaviour change and enhancing the quality of life for our students that face unique challenges. Our team works collaboratively across the organisation to provide support, to both staff and students, through a number of specialist areas within child development, neuroscience and attachment theories.

Our goal is to empower our children and young people to overcome different behavioural obstacles, identify their own needs for self and/or co-regulation and as a result, achieve their full social and emotional potential. The team meets weekly to triage referrals and allocate support via a number of person-centred support methods.

These support methods include:

Assessment and Evaluation
  • Comprehensive assessments to understand the underlying motivation and factors of the displayed behaviours.
  • Facilitation of observation and post incident reflections to identify triggers and develop effective intervention strategies.
Regulation Support Planning
  • Student focussed Regulation Support Plans designed for the implementation of consistent proactive strategies, including specific needs and targets.
  • Analytical feedback, including trends and patterns from IRIS, informing timetabling and environmental factors.
Training and Drop in Sessions
  • Ongoing training and workshops for all staff on evidence-based strategies and their implementation within our school environment.
  • Upskilling and continued professional development of staff within the Regulation Support Team who cascade this knowledge across the organisation.

sample of training for staff - ‘Regulate to Educate’

Click here to view or download

‘By encouraging the student’s self-confidence, the school is actively promoting a sense of self-worth and achievement. Pupils feel part of the school community and are more open to developing new skills and taking positive risks’. LPPA, 2023.

Newfield School
Old Bank Lane

01254 588 600

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Newfield School is committed to safeguarding and protecting the welfare of children and vulnerable adults as its number one priority.

Full copies of Policies and Procedures related to all aspects of Safeguarding, and the Complaints Policy, are available on request from Rachel Kay, Head Teacher and Designated Senior Lead for Safeguarding and Child Protection.

Equality Duty

Newfield School complies with the general and specific duties of the Equality Act (2010). In accordance with the duty we publish information that demonstrates that we have due regard to the need to;

  • Eliminate unlawful discrimination
  • Advance equality of opportunity
  • Foster good relations

These specific duties have been considered in relation to all our policies and procedures in school. Our objectives will be reported on and published as part of the Governance public documents available for inspection under the Freedom of Information Regulations and Data Protection duties and in the school newsletter to parents.

Our Equality Objectives are set, reviewed and published annually in our School Development Plan.

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