Eating and Autism - Pica

In the first of our series of blogs about eating and autism we will be thinking about pica.

What is it?

Pica is the craving for and consumption of substances that are considered inedible. Children with autism can sometimes develop pica but the reasons for this are not always known. Children may want to eat a variety of substances e.g. bark, soil, glue sticks, grass, stones, fabric, paint …. it’s quite a long list!

What can be done about it?

It’s important to try to understand why the child is eating the substances. Usually itis good idea to check with your doctor as the child may be deficient in a vitamin or mineral that is causing them to crave the substance. Once this has been ruled out (and it usually is!) try to understand the function pica serves.

It could be due to a lack of understanding of social norms. The child may just like the taste of e.g. grass or Pritt stick but not realise it’s not the ‘done thing’ to eat it! If this is the case it is important to manage the child’s access to the substances and reinforce desirable behaviour with lots of positive reinforcement.

Often the child may be seeking sensory feedback from the substance they are eating or chewing. Try to provide alternatives with a similar taste or texture to replace the inedible item. E.g. replace a stick with a chewy tube, soil with cookie dough or couscous or grass with a celery stick.

If you are worried your child may be harming themselves with what they are consuming consult your doctor straight away who can refer to specialist support. Find out more about pica at this link.

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