Autism Friendly Apps

Our smartphones and tablet computers have become part of every day life and there are many apps now available that help to aid communication and education for people with Autism. One particular app, Otsimo, was developed by Zafer Elcik, who felt that his younger brother was being failed by the educational system in Turkey. Otsimo has games and activities to help with recognising emotions, number problems and much more.

Please watch the video in the link below to find out more about this story.

There are many other apps that have been developed with autism in mind and if a young person is motivated by technology, why not give some a try? Here are just a few…

  • PECS or MyTalkTools- apps to aid communication
  • Learn with Rufus- focusing on emotions
  • AutisMate- Visual instructions and timetables to help with every day tasks
  • Endless Reader- a reading app which uses visuals as well as words
  • Pictello- develops social interaction
  • Starfall- a reading app
  • Emotions and Feelings- uses social stories to help understand emotions
  • Agnitus- games which touch on a number of subjects including maths and fine motor control
  • Fruit Ninja- a fun cause and effect game, developing fine motor control
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